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Muscle pain due to stress?

Book your No3: Anti-Stress therapy


Do you regularly suffer from stiff or aching muscles due to stress?

Then, unfortunately, you are not the only one.  In fact, muscle pain due to stress is a common problem.

Not surprisingly, because when stressed, your body prepares to act and your muscles tighten. When you are in ‘stress mode’ for an extended period of time, it leads to constant tension in your muscles. This eventually causes you to experience muscle pain as a result of stress. 

When you experience stress, cortisol is released in your body. Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, allows you to quickly release energy so that you can fight or flee in stressful situations. But in many stressful situations, our bodies do not need to fight or flee at all and the cortisol produced is unnecessary. As a result, the cortisol produced accumulates in your body. When this happens frequently, it can lead to excessive cortisol levels in your body. This can cause several consequences, including restlessness and lack of energy.

Are you experiencing stress for a longer period of time? Then not only is there excessive production of cortisol, but it also interferes with your body's ability to recover. This results in physical symptoms such as sore muscles and muscle pain. 

When you are stressed, your muscles tighten. The connective tissue is pulled tighter around your muscles, making it harder for you to move. This increased muscle tension and restricted movement can cause you to suffer from muscle pain. This manifests itself mainly in back pain, neck pain, tension between the shoulder blades and it can even lead to tension headaches. Moreover, stress can cause you to adopt the wrong posture, as tense muscles affect your natural posture.

In addition, stress symptoms such as fatigue and tense muscles around your chest and abdomen can make breathing more difficult.  

Through a combination of therapeutic/medical massage & relaxing massage as I don't at Power2Heal, you can reduce the symptoms and even make them disappear altogether.


Book your appointment at Power2Heal today!

My contact details:

Tremelobaan 27, 3140 Keerbergen

Tel: +32 492 96 96 00

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